Leif Busk is presently working as a Scientific Adviser at the Swedish National Food Agency (NFA). He has lately been involved in the development and application of the principles of risk analysis with emphasis on risk ranking, the influence of other legitimate factors and risk communication at NFA. Within the European framework he has been involved in methods for exposure assessments with a special interest in tools for Food Description and Categorisation. Among other things he chaired the EFSA Working Group that developed FoodEx2.
Dr Busk obtained his basic training as a Toxicologist at Uppsala University and the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. He has more than forty years of experience in regulatory toxicology from the pharmaceutical and food sector, working both as researcher, risk assessor and manager. Leif Busk has been the Swedish representative in the Advisory Forum of EFSA since the start in 2003.
1. hrvatska konferencija o procjeni rizika porijeklom iz hrane
6. – 7. listopada 2015.
Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku (Kralja Petra Svačića 1d)