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Danijel Jug

prof. Danijel Jug
Faculty of Agriculture, Osijek, Croatia

Monday October 3rd, 2016 11:02

Danijel Jug was born on October 29, 1972, in Osijek, Croatia. He is an employee of University J.J Strossmayer in Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek at the Department for Plant Production.

He graduated in 1998 at the Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek and became engineer of agriculture, Crop farming course. In 2005 he achieved his master degree (MSc) at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Agronomy with the specific field of study Agroecology. In October 2006 he achieved academic degree of PhD in the scientific field of biotechnical sciences, specific field of study Crop Production. From November 2013 he was elected for academic rank of full professor.

His main field of expertise and scientific interest is in Conservation agriculture, Agroclimatology, Soils and crop management, Sustainable land management. As a coordinator or a lecturer, he is lecturing at the University (undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate doctoral study). As an author or co-author he published more than 120 scientific papers and more than 90 professional or popular papers. Also, as first author he has published a university textbook Soil tillage in agroecology framework (in Croatian) and university practicum Glossary of Agroclimatology (in Croatian). He has given several invited and plenary lectures on national and international conferences. He has been participating, as project manager or researcher, in several national and international research projects mostly related to plant reaction on different climatic variations and their adjustment by applying the conservation tillage systems. He is an active member of Professional Organizations CROSTRO – Croatian Soil Tillage Research Organization (president), ISTRO – International Soil Tillage Research Organization, IUSS – International Union of Soil Sciences, ECSS – European Confederation of Soil Science Societies, CSSS – Croatian Society of Soil Science, CAS – Croatian Agrometeorological Society and GlobalFAMS – Global federation of Agrometeorological Societies.

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